The Living Wetlands
Water is alive holding memory, holding
time. Wetland mystique, intrinsically linked
to the shallow and deep. Lifeblood
of our land.
Reflections off a still lake
that calm my soul. Underneath the harmony of
my favourite wet place lies a wealth of life and
activity; knowing this I am at peace.
Returning to one’s self, one breath at a time.
Kep in all its forms, pinjar, bilya, derbal.
Many things becoming whole.
Tranquility for the mind, peace for the soul, when I'm in nature,
it makes me feel whole. Snatched away is my breath by the tiny worlds
of entire chasms and mountains, orange cap outcrops, and mossy forests—
miniature only in size, but never scale. Enthralling, the energy buzzing
between the myriad of layers in every wetland.
Creatures of the Wetlands
The snake lies in waiting; its kind, patient coils are ready to wake,
unfurl, and flow like water, where we can follow along the rivers
and through the wetlands, to waken our own ancient memory of land
and water; our feet in the earth and our faces in the sun.
The wonder in a child’s eyes, reflecting a tiny frog.
A black cockatoo soaring over the wetlands, dark wings slicing through the air.
A turtle, basking in the Kambarang sunshine, unbothered and warm.
The Karak is wild and enchanted, and the Carnaby’s call makes my soul
smile and my skin tingle.
Morning light illuminates the wetland lake, as crakes dart to and from
the edging reeds. Serpent sleeps, soaks, sheds, stirring. A tentative kiss, as the
dragonfly dances, glancing the surface, rippling gently as the banjo replies.
Dolphins, one with the rising and falling tides, entangled in the mess we made.
The Interwoven Web of Life
Wild, wonderful wetland ecosystems giving life
to fascinating species. A mosaic of a thousand mirrors
catching sky for all that live above and below.
The detritus of the wetland—I make my home, wrapped in the silk of my body,
I leave it behind, emerging from the water to take flight to beyond.
Heart threads that make me who I am draw me home to their source
in Juncus kraussii,
Melaleucas, and tangled land and water life.
Sh....did you hear my voice? "Little leaf is talking. We are keeping
you alive, giving you oxygen." Feeling the future in the leaves
of a tiny seedling.
It’s amazing what you see when you look up into trees. To hear the magpie song
early morning fills my heart with expansive love for those birds and life itself.
The Eternal Flow
Flow, connecting us through space and time. Ripples
spread out, taking their message across the lake.
Water is life, and life is water.
Visit, sit, reflect, give time—wetlands are alive
and give life. A green life-saving oasis
necessary for the soul.
The wetland, silent, although it fills the air with noises.
Nurturing and sustaining, a place for all and a vital home to many.
Wwwwatery wonderful wildlife we willing welcomers wwwwW
Lessons from the Wetlands
While my mind sees the waters as a scientist, assessing and conserving,
my eyes and heart see as a child full of delight and wonder
in the shimmering vibrancy of the ever-changing. The light of the morning sun
moves like a dance through the leaves
of the tree canopy to reflect like sparkling gems
across the water surface.
With whispers of wisdom, we can learn from the land. Old as time
but new each day. We are here fleetingly,
but our footprints are heavy—go lightly.
As I inhale, pieces of the spoonbill flow inside me and assemble around my heart.
Mega-diverse Brixton Wetlands flora—mega rich and mega rare.
Swampy lake of Booragoon, hidden gem, ever-changing oasis for life.
Rick James says it's all about drains.
The Call to Action
WA flora, fauna, and ecosystems have remarkable resilience,
but have their limits. The time for change is now! Fringing vegetation filters,
protects, and stores blue carbon.
Our waterways, in peril, need us to change, to care, to conserve,
to love more so life thrives. Do no harm, work for rehabilitation.
Vote for the change you want to see.
And as we share our learnings, our rumble turns into a roar.
Together, we can take on the world.
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